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Pastors, Staff, and Ministry Leaders


Serving through Leading
Strasburg Community Church is led by a group of men called elders. These men carry the responsibility of shepherding the church in such a way that cultivates a healthy atmosphere of personal growth and discipleship while overseeing the affairs of the church.
Every elder that serves does so based on God’s calling in their lives and by meeting the Biblical qualifications for the role, as found in passages such as 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
If you’re interested in learning how to become an elder, scroll to the bottom of the page to download our application process.


Leading through Serving
Deacons serve as the backbone of our church. Overseeing many of the day-to-day activities and operations of the church, these men and women use their gifting and skills to ensure the church continues onward in its mission in responsible ways that reflect wise stewardship of God’s blessing.
Our deacons serve on committees, based on their strengths and experience, to oversee various areas of the church such as grounds and maintenance, finance, outreach, and HR.
To learn more about how you can serve as a deacon, scroll to the bottom of the page to download our application process.

Leadership. Servanthood.

Areas of deacon oversight

This list of roles for the deacon board help's to better identify the various areas that deacons are responsible for providing oversight and leadership of as well as help for future planning with regards to onboarding of new deacons. In some cases, one deacon will most likely be sufficient to carry out a particular role but in others it may be necessary to have more than one deacon assigned to a particular role, or even for a deacon to carry out more than one role at a time.


Ensuring that everyone who interacts with the church, both current attendees as well as visitors, have the best possible experience, the deacon(s) who oversee hospitality helps to ensure that people are well loved and cared for. Hospitality deacons provides oversight of our “Frontline” team, which welcomes people to the church and gets them connected with resources and information about the church, church gatherings such as potluck meals and various social events, and also manages connections with visitors to our church by ensuring that a personal touchpoint is made with every person who visits our church.
Hospitality deacons also work closely with the deacon(s) responsible for caregiving.


Caregiving deacon(s) are tasked with identifying and ensuring that practical needs are met within the church. This encompasses things like coordinating visitations with elders, deacons, and/or pastors, coordinating “meal-trains” for individuals and families in need, and identifying and helping to meet the practical needs of elderly within the church. Essentially, deacons responsible for caregiving are here to find out how the church can best support and assist people with practical, emotional, and spiritual needs within the church.
Caregiving deacons work closely with deacons responsible for hospitality and benevolence.


Programs and ministries are a huge part of both our out-reach and in-reach of the church. Deacons responsible for overseeing the ministry side of the church work alongside ministry leaders to coordinate the needs of the ministries. These deacons help to do things such as volunteer recruitment and coordination, scheduling, and assisting with administrative needs of ministry leaders.
An outgoing personality coupled with a love of organization and administration goes a long way with this role. Ministry deacons work closely with deacons overseeing finance, outreach, and missions.


The community around us is one of our most immediate mission fields and as such, deacons overseeing outreach will identify and coordinate ways to reach out to the community with the gospel of Jesus. This means keeping up on events that are already happening in the community and finding ways the church can serve, as well as creating new opportunities for the church to go out and “be the church.”
Outreach deacons will work closely with our finance, ministry, and hospitality deacons.


Working to serve and identify the needs of the various missions’ partners we have, the deacon(s) responsible for overseeing our missions efforts will cultivate strategic partnerships with our existing missions partners as well as identify future opportunities to further invest in missions. These deacons will stay current with ongoing efforts of our missions partners, provide the church with regular updates on missions efforts, and work with church leaders to coordinate service opportunities.
Missions deacons will work closely with our finance and outreach deacons.


Desiring to assist people through difficult time, the deacon(s) responsible for benevolence will be responsible for helping to identify and coordinate the meeting of financial needs of people both within the church and in the community. This deacon must have a compassionate heart but a discerning spirit to help identify the best way to meet the needs of people.
Deacons responsible for benevolence will connect directly with individuals who have needs, to help identify the best way to assist them.
Those deacons responsible for benevolence will work closely with deacons responsible for caregiving and finance.


Managing the churches finances and planning for future are the responsibility of the finance deacon(s). This role will work alongside ministry leaders, other deacons, elders, and pastors to help plot a course of wise financial stewardship and accountability.
They will be responsible for assembling the annual budget as well as putting together and managing a financial plan for future capital expenses and planning.
This deacon(s) should have a background and experience in budget management and/or finance/accounting. Those deacons responsible for finance will work closely with all deacons, elders, and pastors.


Serving as the central location for the majority of our ministry, the deacon(s) responsible for overseeing the facilities of the church will work to ensure they are well cared for and maintained. Overseeing such areas as groundskeeping, maintenance, and grounds, the facility deacon(s) will coordinate their efforts with staff and volunteers to ensure wise stewardship of the church facilities.
Those deacons responsible for facilities will work closely with church staff, finance, and ministry deacons.


People development and management are the responsibilities of the HR deacon(s). Ensuring that the church is operating according to state and federal guidelines and doing what they can to draw out the best from staff and church leadership ultimately helps to make the church environment the best it can be.
Those deacons responsible for HR will work closely with staff, elders, and deacons responsible for finance.


Ensuring that our church is a safe place to serve, deacons responsible for security will provide oversight in areas that help to keep our church safe and secure. These deacons will be responsible for developing and training on a safety and security plan, performing background checks for volunteers and ministry leaders, working alongside ministry leaders to provide and safe and secure environment for children, and identifying and addressing any health and safety issues that arise.
Those deacons responsible for security will work closely with church staff, elders, and ministry deacons.

Elder/Deacon Form Downloads

If you're interested in becoming a deacon or elder, or want to learn more about the process, feel free to download the below PDF files to learn more. If you have questions feel free to contact us!