Meet the rest of the team.

Houston Owens
Elder, Worship Director

Brenda Mills
Noah Rhoades

Scott Andrews

Cindi Doss

Ed Martin
Leadership. Servanthood.
Serving through Leading
Strasburg Community Church is led by a group of men called elders. These men carry the responsibility of shepherding the church in such a way that cultivates a healthy atmosphere of personal growth and discipleship while overseeing the affairs of the church.
Every elder that serves does so based on God’s calling in their lives and by meeting the Biblical qualifications for the role, as found in passages such as 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
If you’re interested in learning how to become an elder, click here to learn more about our application process.
Every elder that serves does so based on God’s calling in their lives and by meeting the Biblical qualifications for the role, as found in passages such as 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
If you’re interested in learning how to become an elder, click here to learn more about our application process.
Leading through Serving
Deacons serve as the backbone of our church. Overseeing many of the day-to-day activities and operations of the church, these men and women use their gifting and skills to ensure the church continues onward in its mission in responsible ways that reflect wise stewardship of God’s blessing.
Our deacons serve on committees, based on their strengths and experience, to oversee various areas of the church such as grounds and maintenance, finance, outreach, and HR.
To learn more about how you can serve as a deacon, click here to learn more about our application process.
Our deacons serve on committees, based on their strengths and experience, to oversee various areas of the church such as grounds and maintenance, finance, outreach, and HR.
To learn more about how you can serve as a deacon, click here to learn more about our application process.