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Sermon Series Survey

Hey SCC Family!!

Pastor Steve here. As we're getting ready to round the corner on this year, i'm in the midst of sermon planning for 2025. Throughout 2024, most of the sermon series we've gone through have been the result of conversations and input from you. So, going into 2025, I'd love to know what you'd like to dig into for next year!

If you've got some thoughts on studies you'd like to go through, I'd love to hear what you're thinking. Maybe theres a book of the Bible you'd like to learn more about? Perhaps theres a particular topic you'd like to see us cover? A word study? A character study? Maybe something obscure that you've always wondered about?

Whatever it is, I'd love for you to leave some suggestions below. Feel free to leave as many suggestions as you'd like.
I look forward to hearing what you have to say!

--Pastor Steve